Nonprofit Organizations & Social and Solidarity Economy II
24 APR 2017

Let us deal with the supportive measures provided by the Law to the Social and Solidarity Economy entities (hereinafter referred to as SSE entities).

Supportive Measures – Financial Aids

The SSE entities have access to be funded by the Social Economy Fund the resources of which come from the state budget, the European Social Fund as well as other national resources. Programs and actions have already begun to be launched in the direction of supporting SSE entities.

The SSE entities have access to the Law on Private Investment Enhancement, Economic Development, Entrepreneurship and Regional Cohesion. They also have by law access to the National Entrepreneurship and Development Fund.

Further incentives for the inclusion of an entity in the relevant Register include the ability for various operators to grant the use of mobile and/or real estate to SSE entities. It is not, however, clear enough whether it is compulsory for the property to be granted without payment. Concurrently, the possibility of entering into program contracts between SSE entities and government entities for the study and/or projects operation.

The last issue that we need to address is the ability given to SSE entities to allocate part of their profit to their employees. However, the answer is more complicated than it seems at first. This is because, while the Social Cooperative Enterprises are legally able to do so, for Nonprofit Organizations, as well as other legal forms of Nonprofit Organizations, no provision or prohibition, is explicitly regulated.

The complete article is available in Greek. Should you need any further information, please contact us at

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