Application form
If you have a legal status, please aach the organization statute.
(Up to 3MB in pdf, doc, docx, odt or odf format)
If you do not have a Name for your Organization yet, please fill in: "We do not have an o‡cial name yet"
If you haven’t acqui…ed a legal status, please fill in: “We do not yet have a legal status”
Objective, need they wish to cover, field, why society needs the organization’s services, vulnerable groups that will benefit from the Organizations activities, geographical area
Have you created a business plan for the first 2 years of operation? Have you appointed responsibilities within the team? Have you defined your operations and procedures? Have you implemented activities?
Please present in bullet-points you activities & results. If you haven’t implemented any projects, please fill in: “We haven’t implemented a project yet”
Full Name *
Phone Number *
Email *

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