Τitle: Empowering Civil Society Through a Learning Environment
Project Duration: 2020-2022
Project Description: This project aims at bringing together seven (7) organizations from 6 different program countries (Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Bulgaria, Estonia, Serbia) and 1 partner country (Israel) who support civil society and are experts in a particular field (e.g. fundraising, networking, advocacy, volunteer management, social entrepreneurship, etc.) in order to identify best practices and share their experience. Furthermore, an open learning environment for all stakeholders will be created where each partner will share best practices and strategies. By having access to this environment, organizations will be able to interact and understand how other actors have dealt with similar situations and challenges and will be able to make better and informed decisions more promptly. Therefore, they will be able to improve their efficiency and implement outstanding practices. Finally, all partners, as well as their beneficiaries (civil society organizations), will have the chance to elevate their work, advance their performance and enhance their social impact.
Project Consortium:
Greece: HIGGS (Coordinator)
Italy: Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini S.R.L. SB
Bulgaria: Black Sea NGO Network
Estonia: Vabauhenduste Liit
Cyprus: SYNTHESIS Center for Research and Education Limited
Serbia: Civic Initiatives – Citizens Association for Democracy and Civic Education
Israel: MIDOT – Reflecting and Rating NPOs Ltd