Empowering the ecosystem

Τitle: “Intergrating migrant children at schools through artistic expression”
Project Duration: 2018-2020
Project Description: The main objective of the ArtsTogether Project is to create specific measures that target migrant children in early childhood and primary education, aiming to contribute to the elimination of the educational disadvantage and cultural barriers they experience.
It also aims at developing and testing a curriculum based on artistic activities and collaborative approaches that will be used in order to equip teachers for dealing with diversity, fostering mutual understanding and respect among their students and improve the educational performance of migrant students.
Project Consortium:
Greece: University of the Peloponnese (Leader), HIGGS, ARSIS, Four Elements
Italy: University of Bologna, Centro Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci, Centro Studi Villa Montesca
Austria: Kindervilla
Belgium: Mediter
United Kingdom: Bath Spa University
Website: https://www.artstogether.eu/home

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