Internship at HIGGS
03 JUL 2017~General Topics

A few months ago I was given the opportunity to choose where I would like to start an internship. As I had no idea what was what I really wanted to follow, I thought about what would make me feel good about myself and at the same time it would fill my time creatively. Under no circumstances could I imagine myself in a competitive and cold environment and I started to look for a place where I would feel comfortable and friendly. I visited a lot of websites in order to find what would match my selection criteria until I found myself on the HIGGS website. A website full of pictures and words that give you positive energy and hope despite the image of our depressive society. But why an NPO?

In a Nonprofit Organization such as HIGGS, which constitutes a meeting place for NPOs from different parts of Greece, you come daily face to face with the problems of our society. At the same time, you meet people who, have the willingness to try their best to improve this situation and help their fellow citizens. I was given the opportunity to meet dozens of people who offer support to people who have real problems in a society that seems to have forgotten “us” and is only interested about “me”. You realize how difficult it must be for these people to achieve their goals as they have no allies in the state, and they have to deal with many issues, such as bureaucracy, lack of funding sources and education on NPO matters. It is amazing how much inspired you can get when you see the willingness of these people to get trained and seek for solutions to social problems.

When I completed my internship I realized that even in a short time period I learned a lot of things. During my internship, I had the opportunity to assist with HIGGS social media and newsletter as well as to prepare the annual report of the organization.

Christina Kourmpeli

Graduate of the Department of Communication and Media Studies and Intern at HIGGS

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