Interview of The Tipping Point- Incubator 1st Cycle
03 JUL 2017~Programs & Organizations

1) A few words about the organization’s purposes, work and results so far.

The Tipping Point (TTP) provides primary school pupils and students who come from remote Greek villages with the opportunity to meet via live video, models (mentors) from around the world, that otherwise would not have been able to meet. The aim of this action is to help young people make more informed decisions about their professional or academic career and to allow them to open up new horizons beyond the stereotypes of their social environment. At TTP, hundreds of students have the ability to talk with over 300 mentors every day in 40 countries, and so far, the program has been piloted in 15 schools. With the launch of the new academic year, our target is 150 schools in villages and disconnected islands as well as 10,000 more conscious young people.

2) How much do you think your participation in the HIGGS Incubator program helped you and why?

We have been at HIGGS since the first day of TTP’s life and until now, HIGGS team has been next to us helping us with its knowledge, networking and the tools it offers. Tipping Point’s participation in Incubator’s program has been and continues to be significant to the development and expansion of its work, as we have the opportunity to grow in an environment that constantly supplies us at all levels.

3) Can you list the areas where you have improved and examples?

We believe that our participation in HIGGS has benefited us in all sectors. The area that we could distinguish more in our case, is the writing of funding proposals in which we continue to improve and enrich our knowledge constantly.

4) Why would you advise other organizations to participate in the Incubator program?

We believe that HIGGS is a unique and innovative initiative in the field of Greek Nonprofit Organizations. It is an “incubator” with the full meaning of the word, as it cultivates and develops a healthy culture, while at the same time, strengthens and supports organizations and groups of people who can and want to provide society with a substantial work. All these and especially the HIGGS people are the main reasons why we would advise other organizations to participate in the Incubator program.

5) What are your next steps? Would you like to share with us some of your next actions?

The pilot phase of the program has already started in schools in Crete. The next steps are the implementation of the program with the beginning of the new academic year in schools in the regions of Crete and Central Greece, and of course, its extension to more schools throughout Greece and especially in areas with high unemployment, and where pupils and young people have limited access to new ideas.

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