1) A few words about the organization’s goals, work and results so far.
Athens Makerspace is a space where, with the help of modern and traditional technologies, its members have the opportunity to learn, share and innovate in the construction of objects. Through activities, one can envision innovative solutions and products not only in his personal life but also in business sector, in an environment that inspires knowledge sharing and collaboration. It is a space that is supported by volunteer engineers, architects, designers, artists and craftsmen who aim to spread the Maker Movement and the “Do It Yourself” culture. With an emphasis on education, Athens Makerspace provides many interactive programs for its young friends from the age of 6.
2) How much do you think your participation in HIGGS Incubator program helped you and why?
The HIGGS Incubator program has been and will be a great support for our organization. The guidance of the educators within the various seminars, as well as the external associates who provide their specialized services, helped us a lot in decision making.
3) Can you list the areas where you have improved and give us some examples?
Regarding legal issues, we have received advice on regulations about operation and contracts. Regarding accounting issues, very important decisions were made about nonprofit and economic activities. Counseling was also provided on the management of Advisory Board and external collaborations which played a crucial role.
4) Why would you advise other organizations to participate in the Incubator program?
HIGGS is a highly targeted incubator for Nonprofit Organizations that can guide new and more mature organizations to new levels in all sectors. From marketing to fundraising and proper management of volunteers, training programs are expanded with new seminars, depending on NPOs demand. One of the most important, however, is the organic but also the organized networking that is developed both between ‘peer organizations’ and ‘mentor’ organizations.
5) What are your next steps? Would you like to share with us some of your next actions?
We are currently organizing, for the second time, educational hands-on seminars for the “open schools” program of the Municipality of Athens funded by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation. At the same time, we work with organizations that support refugees in order for them to acquire the skills they need to develop.