Action on the Climate Change
10 DEC 2018~Collaborations & Activities

09 December 2018: As a member of the action on the climate we co-organized with Greenpeace Greece and other NPOs a walking event in Athens about climate changes that affect our lives and pose a threat to our country and the next generations.

During the UN Climate Change World Summit, and two months after the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has warned that global warming should be kept to a maximum of 1.5C, we walked from Acropolis to Syntagma Square with other civil society actors in order to raise awareness about climate change.


Agroecology Greece
Médecins du Monde Greece
ARSIS – Association for the Social Support of Youth
Doctors Without Borders
Amnesty International
Hellenic Society of Environment & Culture
Hellenic Platform for Development
Greek Forum of Refugees
Ecological Initiative Chania
Center for Life – Kentro Zois
Ecological Recycling Society
Group No Oil of Thesprotia
Organization Earth
Greece-Pakistan Cultural Association
Cultural Association of Greece-India
Cultural Association of Greece-Bangladesh
Citizens’ Initiative “Save Epirus”
Council of Immigrant Integration
House of Samaritan Volunteers
Rescuers and Lifeguards
CORE Flower Transition Center
ActionAid Hellas
Ethos & Empathy
UN SDSN Greece
Greenpeace Greece
MEDASSET-Mediterranean Association to Save the Sea Turtles
Social Cooperatives
WWF Greece

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