“ArtsTogether” is co–funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) of the European Commission. The core partners are 9 institutions from five different European countries (Greece, Italy, Austria, Belgium, UK). The main objective is to create specific measures that target migrant children in early childhood and primary education, aiming to contribute to the elimination of the educational disadvantage and cultural barriers they experience.
The ArtsTogether project aims at developing and testing a curriculum based on artistic activities and collaborative approaches that will be used in order to equip teachers for dealing with diversity, fostering mutual understanding and respect among their students and improve the educational performance of migrant students.
The partners of the project are the University of Peloponnese, HIGGS, ARSIS Association for the Social Support of Youth, Four Elements, Bath Spa University, Alma Mater Studiorum, Hallgarten-Franchetti Centro Studi Villa Montesca, Centro Per Lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci, Mediter – Reseau Euro-Mediterraneen pour la Cooperation A.I.S.B.I., Kinderbetreuungseinrichtung / Kindervilla .
The project will last 24 months (January 2018-December 2019) and it is divided in three phases:
Phase 1: Deals with needs assessment and analysis of challenges including the capacity building workshop and identification of best practices
Phase 2: Is the main implementation stage, where the ArtsTogether curricula will be designed and developed and transferred to teachers.
Phase 3: Includes the first results of the workshop. It creates synergies and a wider network for possible collaborations touching upon policy levels.