Transnational Meeting of the project “ReVoT”
13 SEP 2017~Collaborations & Activities

12 & 13 September  2017 – The third transnational training of the partners of the project “ReVoT – Refugees in Vocational Training” was successfully implemented at HIGGS, in Athens. During their meeting they had the chance to talk with the HIGGS team as well as the newly established NPOs who are hosted at HIGGS.

The aim of the ReVoT project is to identify good practices for integration of refugees with activities concerning the job market in participating countries, Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, Croatia, Spain, Italy and Greece. In the context of their work, they visit Nonprofit Organizations and other bodies who have interesting projects and could transfer their practices. The practices that have been evaluated as good ones are 35 and will be reflected in a Collective Edition, which will be distributed at European level, to policy makers, to education and training providers.

The meeting in Athens was successful, including a visit at the Solidarity Now premises, where the partners met NPOs’ representatives who are hosted there. Furthermore, the discussion with the Deputy Mayor for Migration, Mr Papayiannakis led to productive thinking concerning common policies of solidarity of the EU countries in dealing with the refugee crisis.

The partners of the project:

Volkshochschule Hannover, Germany, Coordinator
Cramars società cooperativa sociale, Tolmezzo Italy
Fundación Docete Omnes, Granada Spain
FH Joanneum, Graz Austria
Participatie in Diversiteit, Leeuwarden Netherlands
Obrtničko učilište, Zagreb Croatia
DAFNI KEK, Patras Greece

More information about the project:

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