Monday is one of the most difficult and demanding days of the week … Relaxation and positive energy are essential for people!
At HIGGS we take care of this and we offer you every Monday, 18:00 – 20:00, kundalini yoga lessons, with instructors Argyro Fatehdeep Spyridaki and Ioannis Darshan Seva Tsiodoulos.
The yoga kundalini gives you the opportunity to:
• To stimulate your nervous, glandular and muscular system
• To activate and to use your energy positively
• To relax your mind and to eliminate fear, guilt, obsessions, and generally all kinds of behavior that cause both physical and mental toxicity
And the cost; Symbolic! Offer an amount of your choice (from € 1 – as you wish) to a Welfare Fund!
Necessary equipment and instructions:
• Wear clothes from natural materials (cotton etc.), white or light
• Bring water, a scarf or a blanket with you
• Bring your own yoga mat, pillow & bracket
• Do not eat for the last two hours
• Arrive at HIGGS 5′-10’earlier – before class begins
• your smile!
To register, please contact us at 2114116300 or at
We are waiting for you all!