Facebook Live Chat from Refugee.Info
22 NOV 2017~Press Releases

22 Νοvember 2017: Refugee.Info organized in our space a live conversation for refugees through its Facebook page, www.facebook.com/refugee.info.

The conversation was conducted in English, Arabic and Farsi and was broadcasted live from HIGGS in Athens. Having as guest Geli Aroni, coordinator of the team that is involved with the Education of Refugees in the Ministry of Education, the refugees who live in our country had the opportunity to be informed on issues that concern education.

Hundreds of people sent questions and got answers on topics like the registration in Greek schools, the access to academic education, the available Greek language lessons etc. Thousands of people also watched the video of the conversation which is available on: https://goo.gl/vmhvmy (in Farsi) and subtitled in Arabic on: https://goo.gl/F25i8X.

Refugee.Info is a common initiative from international organizations IRC and Mercy Corps that offers valid and well-documented information to refugees who live in Greece. You can learn more about Refugee.Info on its website www.refugee.info and on its blog http://blog.refugee.info.

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