The NPOs of the 3rd cycle of the Accelerator talk about the program
24 APR 2017~Press Releases

Dimitra Georgogianni, Road Safety Institute “Panos Mylonas”

“A very useful and meaningful program which has helped us strengthen our organization by providing us new and necessary knowledge. All the courses were covered by well trained educators. Great hospitality and implementation of the program !”

Maria Logara, “Freedom Gate”

“Having completed the Accelerator program I would like to share my experience. A demanding project that provided us with a wealth of knowledge, useful tools, networking and, above all, the potential to be able to support our own work and our organization. Once again, I would like to thank HIGGS who chose us and,all the staff that supported us and continues to support us. “

Dimitris Kodopidis, Hellenic Cystic Fibrosis Association (HCFA)

“At HIGGS we learned how professionalism can meet the passion of volunteering successfully as well as that methodology and organization can guarantee efficiency in the social work we are dedicated to. We started with great demands and expectations, as we had already experience in different incubators/accelerators, but also capacity building seminars and we were impressed. I believe that at the moment there is no exaggeration to say that for Greece HIGGS, in terms of NPO training, is A and Z. Thank you! “

Konstantinos Georgopoulos, Therapeutical and Educational Centre “THE MERIMNA”

“I believe that my participation in the HIGGS Accelerator program has been a unique experience, due to my daily presence at the Bootcamp for a month – during which I was able to enrich my knowledge on how to write proposals as well as due to the second phase of putting our knowledge into practice. Having acquired a good theoretical background, I had to apply the practices (logical framework, presentation of a proposal, etc.) that we learned during HIGGS training in order to prepare and present the project we wish to implement. Practices that I believe we have successfully accomplished with a lot of effort. As far as workshops and counseling meetings are concerned, it was quite useful, because we were able to monitor and settle specific issues that concern us. Finally, the presentation of our proposal to the Advisory Board which was successfully completed was a valuable experience for us. I wish you to continue your valuable support.”

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