Outreach: NGOs & Media
07 NOV 2017~Events

21 November 2017 – More than 30 NPOs attended the HIGGS event “Outreach: NGOs & Media” with main speakers Ioanna Fotiadi, journalist from the newspaper “Kathimerini”, Melpomeni Maragidou, news editor on “VICE Greece”, and Stauros Malichoudis, journalist from “Inside Story”.

The three journalists, all of them experienced on civil society issues spoke about the view that Media has on Nonprofit Organizations(NPOs) and, among others, presented the characteristics that make a topic interesting enough of publication. Furthermore, the participating organizations were given the opportunity to receive tips on how to prepare and send a press release, as well as on how to best approach Media. The event ended with a reference on the cooperation of NPOs and Media during the refugee crisis.

Some tips from the speakers:
-Write your press release in such a way that the recipient will read it till the end!
-Use current affairs to your benefit!
-Did you make a new friend? Then, you should always keep your cellphone turned on!
-Friends in good and bad times: Be also available when an unfortunate turn of events occurs!
-NPOs should not consider Media as their press office!
-Stories with names always make a bigger impact than numbers!
-A good topic for publication is an exclusive topic!

What are exactly the Outreach Events of HIGGS?

HIGGS (Higher Incubator Giving Growth and Sustainability), operating as a meeting point for Greek and International NPOs and the Community, devoted to the power of information and extraversion, organizes the open event “Outreach Event: Extraversion Towards Knowledge”.

The ‘’Outreach Event: Extraversion Towards Knowledge’’ includes presentations and lectures on topics, questions and contemplations concerning not only NPOs but also Greek society in general.

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